Michael Alison
1926 - 2004
Conservative MP
published in Yorkshire Post, 5 June 2004
Olav Arnold
1928 - 2024
Businessman and civic patron
published in the Yorkshire Post 16 November 2024
Paddy Ashdown
1941 - 2018
Liberal MP and leader
published in the Journal of Liberal History, 102, Spring 2019
David Austick
1920 - 1997
Bookshop owner and Liberal politician
published in The Independent, 10 February 1997
John Arnold Baker
1925 - 2016
Lawyer, judge, Liberal politician
published in The National Liberal Club News, November 2016
Maureen Baker
1932 - 2021
Activist and campaigner
published in The Guardian online, 28 February 2012 & The Guardian 10 April 2012
Paul Baker
1937 - 1998
Pharmacist and radical
an appreciation
Ray Beaty
1935 - 2014
published in NUJ News Leeds, January 2015
Audrey Bee
1927 - 2020
Teacher and pianist
address at funeral, July 2020
Connell Bee
1922 - 2017
Aeronautical engineer
address at funeral, November 2017
Dr Maury Benard
1916 - 2005
Leeds doctor, dentist and former Liberal councillor
published in Yorkshire Post, 6 November 2004
Gordon Bevans
1920 - 2012
Psychologist, musician and Liberal
published in Liberal Democrat News, 11 May 2012
Viv Bingham
1932 - 2012
published in The Independent, 24 March 2012
Peter Boizot
1929 - 2018
Entrepreneur, restaurateur, Liberal, art collector and philanthropist
published in Liberal Democrat Voice, 4 January 2019
Claire Brooks
1931 - 2008
in 'Mothers of Liberty', published by Liberal Democrat History Group, 2012
Michael Burrell
1937 - 2014
Actor and writer
published in NLC News, issue 67, November 2014
Vyvyan Cardno
1908 - 2005
Conservative, honorary Alderman
published in Yorkshire Post, 27 August 2005
Leslie Chapman
1910 - 1988
Inventor, painter, musician
published in the Armley Advertiser, May 1988
Donald Chesworth
1923 - 1991
Politician and administrator
published in The Independent, 25 May 1991
David Chidgey
1942 - 2022
Liberal politician
published in The Guardian, 7 Mar 2022
David Chidgey
published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 116, Autumn 2022
Lord Chitnis of Ryedale
1936 - 2013
Liberal strategist
published in The Independent, 31 July 2013
Lord Chitnis of Ryedale
published in Liberator, September 2013
Maggie Clay
1947 - 2009
Liberal politician
published in Liberal Democrat News, 10 April 2009
Maggie Clay
published in Yorkshire Post, 18 April 2009
Stanley Cohen
1927 - 2004
Labour politician
published in Yorkshire Post, February 2004
Ken Colyer
1928 - 1988
Jazz musician
published in The Independent, died 10 March 1988
Patrick Crotty
1920 - 1995
Lawyer and Conservative politician
an appreciation
Julian Cummins
1955 - 2007
Businessman, Liberal, Anglican priest, Territorial Army officer
published in Yorkshire Post, 17 February 2007
George Cunningham
1931 - 2018
Labour politician, Hon Librarian NLC
published in NLC magazine, November 2018
Ralf Dahrendorf
1929 - 2009
Sociologist, philosopher and Liberal politician
published in Liberator, September 2009
Tom Dale
1931 - 2019
published in NLC News 78, May 2020
Judge Raymond Dean
1923 - 2003
published in The Guardian, 23 October 2003
Jack Diamond
1907 - 2004
Labour politician
published in Yorkshire Post, 10 April 2004
Lord Gryff Evans
1928 - 1992
prepared for Lucy Johnson, Gryff Evans' granddaughter
Penny Ewens
1926 - 2020
Liberal, honorary Alderman
published in Yorkshire Post, 19 December 2020
Derek Ezra
1919 - 2015
NCB chairman, Liberal
published in National Liberal Club Magazine, issue 70, May 2016
Maurice Faure
1922 - 2014
French deputy, Mayor of Cahors, Radical
published (in French) in Allier République, April 2014
Ronnie Fearn
1931 - 2022
Liberal politician
published in The Guardian, 2 February 2022
Ronnie Fearn
published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 115, Summer 2022
Ronnie Fearn
published in Order Order, Spring 2022
John Fraser
1911 - 2009
NALGO Official
published in Yorkshire Post, November 2009
Clement Freud
1924 - 2009
Liberal MP
published in Liberator 334, July 2009
Jonathan Fryer
1950 - 2021
Political activist, writer and broadcaster
published in The Guardian, 1st May 2021
Douglas Gabb
1920 - 2020
Labour, honorary Alderman
published in the Yorkshire Post, 23 May 2020</em
Tony Greaves
1942 - 2021
Liberal politician
published in the Yorkshire Post online, 3 April 2021
Tony Greaves
published in The Guardian, 26 April 2021
Tony Greaves, an appreciation
published in Liberal History Journal, Summer 2021
Jo Grimond: an appreciation
1913 - 1993
Liberal leader
published in Liberator, December 1993
John Gunnell
1933 - 2008
Labour politician
published The Guardian, 12 February 2008
Pat Hawes
1928 - 2017
Jazz musician
published in Just Jazz, issue 236, December 2017
Peter Hellyer
1947 - 2023
Liberal, writer, cultural historian
published in Journal of Liberal History, issue 120, Autumn 2023
Richard Hoggart
1918 - 2014
published in the Financial Times, 12/13 April 2014
David Hudson
1924 - 2005
Conservative councillor
published in the Yorkshire Post, 30 October 2005
Albert Ingham
1901 - 1990
Political party agent
published in The Independent, 16 April 1990
Russell Johnston
1932 - 2008
Liberal MP
published in Liberator, September 2008
Denis Mason Jones
1918 - 2010
Architect and artist
published in The Independent, 22 March 2010
Nigel Jones
1948 - 2022
published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 117, Winter 2022-23
Trevor Jones
1927 - 2016
published in The Guardian, 24 September 2016
Trevor Jones
published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 93, Winter 2016-2017
Dr Graham Kirkland
1936 - 2016
GP and Liberal politician
published in the Yorkshire Post, 22 October 2016
Joseph Kitchen
1922 - 2007
Labour councillor
published in the Yorkshire Post, 19 May 2007
Peter Knowlson
1931 - 2011
published in Liberal Democrat News, 2 September 2011
Enid Lakeman
1903 - 1995
Politician and electoral reformer
published in The Independent, 12 January 1995
Enid Lakeman
in 'Mothers of Liberty', published by Liberal Democrat History Group, 2012
Barbara Lindsay
1941 - 20124
published on Liberal Democrat Voice, November 2024
Eric Lubbock
1928 - 2016
published in National Liberal Club Magazine, issue 70, May 2016
Robert Maclennan (Lord Maclennan of Rogart)
1936 - 2020
published in Journal of Liberal History, 106, Spring 2020
Diana Maddock
1945 - 2020
published in The Guardian, 14 July 2020
Min Marks
1920 - 2021
Communist activist and Bletchley Park associate
published in The Guardian 'Other Lives', 10 February 2022
Rev Albert McElroy
1915 - 1975
Minister of religion and politician
published in Liberal News, 13 December 1985
Joseph Mellor
1869 - 1938
Liberal Scientist
published in NLC News 68, May 2015
Lord Merlyn-Rees
1920 - 2006
Labour MP
published in the Yorkshire Post, 6 January 2006
Sam Micklem
1933 - 2012
published in Liberal Democrat News, 14 September 2012
Trevor Millington
1958 - 2012
published in The Guardian, Other Lives, 22 February 2012
Richard Moore
1931 - 2019
published in The Guardian, 2019
Richard Moore
published in Journal of Liberal History, 103, Summer 2019
David Morrish
1931 - 2018
published in The Guardian, 28 May 2018
David and Joan Morrish
Joan - 1926 - 2018
published in Liberator 391, August 2018
Dadabhai Naoroji
1825 - 1917
First Asian MP
published in the National Liberal Club magazine, November 2017
Brooke Nelson
1933 - 2017
Liberal, honorary Alderman
published in the Yorkshire Post, 10 June 2017
Mary Ness
1935 - 2023
Leeds Library member
published in Speakes Volumes, June 2023
Mike Oborski
1946 - 2007
published in The Guardian, 5 April 2007
Ed O'Donnell
1927 - 2014
Jazz musician
published in Just Jazz, May 2014
Jerry Pearlman
1933 - 2018
published in the Yorkshire Post & Yorkshire Evening Post, 24 March 2018
Denis Pedder
1927 - 2004
published in the Yorkshire Post, 29 May 2004
Rev Geoff Percival
1946 - 2009
Anglican minister and IT whizz
an appreciation, August 2009
Bill Pitt
1937 - 2017
published in The Guardian, 4 December 2017
Bill Pitt
published in Liberator, January 2018
Bill Pitt
published in Journal of Liberal History, 97, Winter 2017-18
Jack Prichard
1915 - 2004
Labour party activist and councillor
published in the Yorkshire Post, 11 September 2004
Jenny Randerson
1948 - 2025
Liberal politician
published in The Guardian online, 21 January 2025
Lord Rochester
1916 - 2017
Military officer and Liberal politician
published in National Liberal Club Magazine, issue 72, May 2017
Keith Schellenberg
1929 - 2019
published in Yorkshire Post, 23 November 2019
Michael Shaw (Lord Shaw)
1920 - 2021
Conservative politician
published in Yorkshire Post, January 2021
Dr Jeffrey Sherwin
1936 - 2018
GP, art collector, honorary Alderman
published in The Guardian, 13 February 2019 and The Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 2019
David Shutt
1942 - 2020
Liberal politician
published in The Yorkshire Post, 7 November 2020
David Shutt
published in The Guardian, 20 January 2021
Sir Cyril Smith
1928 - 2010
Liberal politician
published in The Guardian, 4 September 2010
Trevor Smith
1937 - 2021
Academic and politician
published in The Guardian, 13 May 2021
Peter Sparling
1933 - 2019
Conservative politician
published in the Yorkshire Post, 19 January 2019
Michael Steed
1940 - 2023
Liberal psephologist
published in The Guardian online, 26 September 2023
Michael Steed
1940 - 2023
Liberal psephologist
an appreciation, published in The Journal of Liberal History 121, Winter 2023-24
Richard Stokes
1923 - 2023
extended version of obit published in The Guardian, 20 July 2023
Andrew Stunell
1942 - 2024
published in The Guardian online, 14 May 2024, print edition 31 May 2024
Andrew Stunell
1942 - 2024
published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 123, Summer 2024
Harry Swain
1926 - 2000
JP, Labour politician
Letter in YEP
Eric Syddique
1936 - 2020
Chief executive of the Electoral Reform Society
published in NLC News 78, May 2020
Alf Tallant
1908 - 2003
Labour councillor
published in The Guardian, 19 September 2003
Joe Taylor
1918 - 2006
Labour councillor
published in Yorkshire Post, 17 June 2006
Jeremy Thorpe
1929 - 2014
Liberal leader
Slightly extended version of the published article in Liberator 370, February 2015
Jeremy Thorpe
Review of "A Very English Scandal", published in the Journal of Liberal History, issue 100, Autumn 2018
Geoff Tordoff
1928 - 2019
published in Liberator, September 2019
Geoff Tordoff
published in Journal of Liberal History, Autumn 2019
Donald Wade
1904 - 1988
published in The Independent, 9 November 1988
Joyce Wainwright
1922 - 2011
published in the Leeds Liberal Democrats Newsletter, March 2011
Richard Wainwright
1918 - 2003
Liberal MP
published in The Guardian, 17 January 2003
John G Walker
1912 - 2009
JP, Liberal
published in Yorkshire Post, 22 August 2009
Eric Ward
1931 - 2006
Party agent
published in Yorkshire Post, 17 June 2006
Philip Watkins
1930 - 1995
Accountant and Liberal politician
published in The Independent, 5 June 1995
Donald Webster
1926 - 2002
Music critic
published in The Leeds Club newsletter - The Owl, May 2002
Peggy White
1927 - 2013
Conservative councillor
published in The Guardian, 15 July 2013
Ray Whitelock
1921 - 2008
published in Liberal Democrat News, March 2008
Harry Whitham
1932 - 2015
Railwayman, wine connoisseur, musician, friend
Address at funeral service, July 2015
Lord Wigoder of Cheetham
1921 - 2004
published in the Yorkshire Post, 11 September 2004
Trevor Wilson
1927 - 2024
published in The Guardian, Other Lives, October 2024
Margaret Wingfield
1912 - 2002
published in The Guardian, 17 April 2002
Harry Woodhead
1927 - 2017
published in Leeds NUJ Newsletter, May 2017