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Barbara Lindsay

A longstanding and committed Liberal for sixty-five years, Barbara Lindsay died on 21 November aged 83. She was someone I greatly admired and whose company I enjoyed. Once she had decided intellectually and by personality at the age of 18 that she was a Liberal that was it for Barbara and she became a consistent campaigner and feminist activist. Life was not easy for Barbara and the cost of politics bore heavily on her, particularly when her car needed repairing - seemingly all too often!

She was also passionate to be a writer and regularly wrote articles and comments which she then struggled with great determination to sell to relevant journals - as is the case with all of us freelances! She also wrote many pieces for numerous Liberal publications.

Barbara moved from Chester to Cheadle in 1988 and became much involved with the Cheadle Liberal Democrats, particularly with the late Patsy Calton and the general election campaigns of 2001 and 2005. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 but carried working in local campaigns, latterly doing more clerical work.